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Akira Kurosawa Filmography Posters and Art

Description: Are you a fan of Kurosawa's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: cineaste, cinema lover, cinephile, film lover, filmmaker
John Carpenter Filmography Posters and Art

Description: Are you a fan of Carpenter's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: big trouble in little china, christine, directed by, director, film lover
Stanley Kubrick Filmography Posters and Art

Description: Are you a fan of Kubrick's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: 2001 a space odyssey, a clockwork orange, cineaste, cinema, cinema lover
Sergio Leone Filmography • Italian Posters and Art
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Description: Are you a fan of Leone's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series! Available in English and Italian

Tags: a fistful of dollars, cineaste, cinema, cinephile, film lover
Sergio Leone Filmography • English Posters and Art
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Description: Are you a fan of Sergio Leone's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series! Available in English and Italian

Tags: a fistful of dollars, cineaste, cinephile, duck you sucker, film lover
The Fandy Title Game Posters and Art
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Description: There's truly something about Fandy. A celebration of short title games.

Tags: podcast, podcast merch
Sport the Hydra Posters and Art
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Description: Marvel Movie Minute season five is kicking off with Cap! The First Avenger needs no introduction, but the nemisis? Get this on your bod and support the show at the same time!

Tags: superheros, avengers, captain america, marvel
Lemonade Central Posters and Art
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Description: What's this? Another fever dream of your favorite fake punk band? Lay your head down on a sweet, sweet pillow and dream the rock dreams of rebellion while you gaslight your friends and family about that last Lemonade Central concert you never really attended. Thank you, Mandy. Another tapestry for the Mandcave.

Tags: mandcave, punk, merch, podcast

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