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Akira Kurosawa Filmography Pin
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Description: Are you a fan of Kurosawa's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: cineaste, cinema lover, cinephile, film lover, filmmaker
John Carpenter Filmography Pin
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Description: Are you a fan of Carpenter's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: big trouble in little china, christine, directed by, director, film lover
Stanley Kubrick Filmography Pin
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Description: Are you a fan of Kubrick's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series!

Tags: 2001 a space odyssey, a clockwork orange, cineaste, cinema, cinema lover
Sergio Leone Filmography • Italian Pin
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Description: Are you a fan of Leone's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series! Available in English and Italian

Tags: a fistful of dollars, cineaste, cinema, cinephile, film lover
Sergio Leone Filmography • English Pin
Main Tag:  

Description: Are you a fan of Sergio Leone's films? Here's a chance to show off his full filmography in our new 'director's filmography shirts' series! Available in English and Italian

Tags: a fistful of dollars, cineaste, cinephile, duck you sucker, film lover

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