Description: She's drawn her weapon. She's attempting to recruit Bruce Banner into The Avengers. But look at her eyes: why is she so sad? We don't know but we love the look and love sporting her grief on our stuff! Celebrating Minute 20 of the Marvel Movie Minute podcast on TruStory FM season six: The Avengers
Description: Wondering how to get yourself focused through that ADHD distraction? Grab the Shocktato and hang on for your life! The special edition inside joke that only like three people will ever possibly understand, you could wear this gear and wonder whether, if asked what it means, you could just nod along convincingly to get people to move on to another subject.
Description: What's this? Another fever dream of your favorite fake punk band? Lay your head down on a sweet, sweet pillow and dream the rock dreams of rebellion while you gaslight your friends and family about that last Lemonade Central concert you never really attended. Thank you, Mandy. Another tapestry for the Mandcave.
Description: When you need to take to the skies, take to the skies with the most skilled cabbie in NYC. James Ubriacco teaches prime pilot skills when he's not driving laboring new mom's to the hospital in Look Who's Talking. Now you can pimp his trade on your stuff. The Next Reel Film Podcast covered this film as part of their 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge series.
Description: When you need to take to the skies, take to the skies with the most skilled cabbie in NYC. James Ubriacco teaches prime pilot skills when he's not driving laboring new mom's to the hospital in Look Who's Talking. Now you can pimp his trade on your stuff. The Next Reel Film Podcast covered this film as part of their 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge series.
Description: Make your European Vacation fantasy a reality, and let go of the full leather suit in the process. This is Rusty's dream logo from the third Vacation movie and now you can wear it emblazoned on your own stuff. The Next Reel Film Podcast covered this film as a part of their 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge series.
Description: You gave it your all and now you research at one of the premiere institutions in the world in lasers and popcorn technologies. Pacific Tech was featured in the Martha Coolidge film "Real Genius" and recently covered on The Next Reel Film Podcast's series on 80s comedy films of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge.
Description: Oh. My God. Gag me. Gross. But also, totally bitchin'. If you want to show the world that you, too, speak fluent Valley, don't be a dork and get this fab on your form. The Next Reel Film Podcast talked about the 1983 film "Valley Girl" in their series on the 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge.
Description: Puppies? Hampsters? Bunnies? Kittens? Tell the world you know where to go to meet your small animal needs — Kelly's Pet Store run by notorious gangster Johnny Dangerously! The Next Reel Film Podcast covered this film in their series on the 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge. Get 'em while they're hot! (hot?)
Description: People on 'ludes should not drive... they should join Jeff Spicoli at the Spicoli Surf School to learn from the chillest how to crush those tasty, tasty waves. The Next Reel Film Podcast talked up Fast Times at Ridgemont High in their series on 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge.
Description: People on 'ludes should not drive... they should join Jeff Spicoli at the Spicoli Surf School to learn from the chillest how to crush those tasty, tasty waves. The Next Reel Film Podcast talked up Fast Times at Ridgemont High in their series on 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge.
Description: Support your school and show your Wolfpack spirit! The Ridgemont High Wolves school plaque logo is yours across a range of products and colors as seen in the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High — and lovingly covered on The Next Reel Film Podcast in their series on the 80s comedies of Amy Heckerling and Martha Coolidge. What would Stacy do? Logo up!